Senior Living Health Tips
- Posted on: May 23 2017
These are called the sunset years of an individual’s life and like the setting sun, the soft glow of a senior citizen’s life—enriched by experience and mellowed by wisdom—emanates far and wide. It goes without saying that wherever you may live in California, for instance, in San Pedro, senior living health tips will help you lead a fulfilling life. At PrimeMedical in San Pedro, senior living health tips by our trained and experienced physicians will help you bring about positive changes in your lifestyle.
At our medical facility in San Pedro, senior living health tips that we emphasize and feel that we just cannot stress enough encompass areas like nutrition, exercises, and the importance of regular health check-ups. Wherever you may live in California, like in San Pedro, senior living health tips like the following should never be ignored:
• Follow a diet most suited to the needs of your advanced years. The USDA has modified its food pyramid, MyPyramid for the elderly that is available both online and as a printout. According to this chart, older adults should include these elements in their daily diets: whole, enriched, and fortified cereals and grains; leafy vegetables as well as other brightly-colored vegetables and fruits; low- or non-fat dairy products; dry beans; lean meat; fish; and eggs. With the abundance of fresh produce readily available in San Pedro, senior living health tips like the above won’t be hard to follow.
• Get a regular regimen of exercise. The benefits of exercise are not just restricted to the young. The elderly should especially concentrate on stretching and balancing exercises and light to moderate workouts that promote endurance and strength. And with the abundance of open and grassy park areas in San Pedro, senior living health tips like this will be a joy to carry out—forget the gym because you just need to carry an exercise mat and head out for the sunny outdoors for an invigorating exercise routine.
• Don’t neglect the regular health check-ups. At PrimeMedical in San Pedro, senior living health tips like this are emphasized time and again by our physicians because we believe that early detection increases the chances of complete recovery. We provide a host of screening facilities for conditions like diabetes, glaucoma, various cardiac ailments, balance disorders, stress-related conditions, and possible vision and hearing impairments.
So, now that you know how little it actually takes to enjoy a healthy life in your sunset years, it is time you call us at 310-548-0201 to schedule a check-up or a consultation.
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