Simple Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

ways to lower blood pressure

If your last visit to your San Pedro medical clinic has resulted in a diagnosis of high blood pressure, the need of the hour is to lower blood pressure and keep it low. High blood pressure is a dangerous medical condition that can cause you a host of problems like heart damage, kidney damage, fainting spells and damage to the blood vessels. Your ticker has to keep ticking in a healthy and consistent manner for you to lead a long life and high blood pressure will hinder you in this goal.

There are many simple ways to lower blood pressure without giving up on everything you love like your favorite foodstuffs.

Consider a DASH Diet

A DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) as prescribed by the US National Institutes of Health can help you lower blood pressure within a span of two weeks or so. Such a diet involves ingestion of fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber and with very little saturated fat. Other food stuffs that you can safely eat are low fat milk, whole grains, low fat dairy products, poultry, nuts and fish. You do not have to cut down completely on sugar, drinks or red meat. Moderation is the key.

Reduce Your Salt Intake

If you want to lower blood pressure, you will have to reduce your salt intake! Studies show that Americans consume about 2 teaspoons of salt daily! This is almost double of the recommended healthy average. In order to lower blood pressure, you will have to steer clear of fast food, frozen dinners, marinades, canned soups, packaged snacks and even bread. A simple way to lower blood pressure is to stop adding salt to the food you cook. Herbs work just as well.

Create an Exercise Program

Work out! The benefits of exercise cannot be overstressed. Simple exercises like walking, jogging or climbing up stairs can help reduce blood pressure.

Find out about other simple ways to lower blood pressure and keep it low by calling Prime Medical at (310) 548-0201.

Thank You For Reading!


Posted in: Health