Daylight Savings began yesterday as we all lost an hour to gain more daylight time. How the time changes actually affects you depends on your own personal health, sleep habits, and lifestyle. Moving our clocks in either direction changes the principal time cue — light — for setting and resetting our 24-hour natural cycle, or circadian […]
Posted on: Mar 13 2023
By: Max
Leafy greens may help protect the heart, new research suggests. Some leafy greens and other vegetables, such as beet, are rich in nitrates. A study finds a link between consuming a cup of leafy greens daily, lower blood pressure, and a reduced risk of heart disease. The study analyzed the dietary habits and health of […]
Posted on: Feb 24 2023
By: Max
February is American Heart Health Month, and a great time to brush up on women’s heart health facts to keep you in great shape. Below, we walk you through all the facts a woman should know about the risks and prevention of heart disease. Many fatal heart attacks and strokes are preventable. What is Heart Health […]
Posted on: Feb 9 2023
By: Max
Eating foods for a healthy heart involves keeping to a nutrient-rich diet. Primary sources are plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and beans. Moderate amounts of dairy and fish are beneficial as well. A diet that can help prevent or manage heart failure also excludes certain foods. Experts recommend limiting the intake of […]
Posted on: Feb 2 2023
By: Max
New research suggests that gardening offers various health benefits, including a reduced risk of chronic diseases like cancer. A new study shows that people who work in community gardens receive various health benefits that may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and can improve mental health. The randomized controlled trial involved 145 […]
Posted on: Jan 13 2023
By: Max
Alcohol often goes hand in hand with socializing. There’s a sailing day with friends. Dinner parties. A champagne toast at a wedding. A mimosa at brunch for Football. But there are lots of reasons why you might take a break in the new year and observe Dry January which is becoming a thing. Here are some […]
Posted on: Jan 6 2023
By: Max
Balance disorders and falling are some of the worst ailments that seniors have to deal with. Statistics show that almost 9 percent of seniors over the age of 65 suffer from balance disorders of some kind. The treatment of such balance disorders in seniors need to be taken very seriously because a single fall in […]
republished from What does it mean to age gracefully? You can’t stand in a checkout line without seeing at least a few magazine headlines about how to look younger. While dreading some wrinkles and sagging isn’t uncommon, there’s so much more to aging well. Aging gracefully isn’t about trying to look like a 20-something […]
Posted on: Nov 17 2022
By: Max
Fatigue and depression are symptoms which are often noticed in the elderly. Fatigue in the elderly can be caused because of multiple reasons and is often indicative of some fundamental psychiatric or medical illness like heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease or any number of other medical conditions. But very often fatigue cannot be ascribed […]
Because of their musculature and physiology, women are reputed to be more affected by health injuries than men. For this reason the healthcare industry reports a higher rate of health injuries among women employees than men. Here are some common health injuries and their causes. Back Strain Back strain is arguably one of the most […]