It’s not news that obesity is on the rise and poses a huge threat to the overall health and well being of a large portion of the American population. Studies also show that once a formerly obese person attains a healthy weight, maintaining that healthy weight is difficult as well. Weight loss success often lies […]
Results of a Mayo Clinic study show that a simple, noninvasive finger sensor test – called EndoPAT – is “highly predictive” of a major cardiac event, such as a heart attack or stroke, for people who are considered at low or moderate risk. At PrimeMedical we offer a wide range of in-house health screenings that […]
According to the U.S. Government, Medicare patients should review their coverage every fall. This is especially true this year because the new health care law provides benefit changes that include lower prescription costs; wellness check-ups and additional preventative care services. Our internal medicine and geriatric specialists continuously strive to provide the most wide-ranging and advanced […]
Many internists and other specialists have either opted out of the Medicare insurance system or they are not accepting new patients with Medicare coverage. This issue is especially difficult for Medicare patients to get paneled to a new Primary Care Physician during open enrollment now through December 31. The geriatricians and internists at PrimeMedical offer […]
According to the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, tobacco use is the number one cause of preventable death. In fact, 46 million American adults smoke cigarettes, and half of them will die from smoking-related problems. Smoking seriously impacts an employee’s general health and ability to perform physical tasks safely. Many Smokers Would Stop […]
There is no getting around it; nothing substitutes for living a healthy lifestyle. Studies prove repeatedly that a healthy lifestyle and disease prevention is much preferable to disease management or treatment. For example, approximately 24 million people have diabetes and 57 million more are at risk of developing it. This increased risk is because more […]
Glaucoma is a significant cause of blindness in the United States, and the leading cause of blindness in African Americans. Nationwide, over 2 million people have glaucoma, and nearly half are not even aware of it. While most people believe that only those 70 and older are likely at risk of developing glaucoma, the prevalence […]