Health & Wellness Blog

ways to lower blood pressure

Simple Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

If your last visit to your San Pedro medical clinic has resulted in a diagnosis of high blood pressure, the need of the hour is to lower blood pressure and keep it low. High blood pressure is a dangerous medical condition that can cause you a host of problems like heart damage, kidney damage, fainting […]

womens health services san pedro

Best Women’s Health Services in San Pedro

Our Women’s health services in San Pedro are focused on the prevention and treatment of medical conditions and diseases in women. Services that this San Pedro women’s health clinic provide are diagnosis and management of health issues which includes screening of conditions which women are at risk for, and prone to. This unique women’s health […]

healthy living seniors

Healthy Lifestyle Choices for Seniors

Aging is a part of our cycle of life which is inevitable. In another 25 years roughly 20% of the American population will be in the ‘elder’ category. This is a phenomenon which is taking place in much of the world where lifespans are increasing leading to an older population. Part of the reason is […]

Family Medical Doctor in San Pedro

Family medical doctors are trained in all aspects of medicine necessary to treat the whole family. They are able to diagnose and treat the complete range of problems that most families commonly experience regardless of gender and age. In cases that require attention outside their scope of practice, a family medical doctor will refer you […]

Health Workplace Occupational Medicine

In the not-so-distant past one associated health and the workplace predominantly with safety issues and thought about physical and safety hazards. Today the scene has shifted and health and the workplace revolves around such issues as dust, noise and chemical hazards. Our concern for a good work-life balance has created a growing awareness of the […]

Pain Management

The American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians describes pain management as a medical discipline dedicated to the diagnosis of pain related conditions and their treatment. Pain, a medical problem which affects us all at some time, is a complex state which profoundly affects your physical or emotional status. The goal of healthcare professionals is to […]

Happy Senior Living

If you are looking for fun suggestions for happy senior living you’ve reached the right page. Age is no barrier. Today’s adults are growing older, but they’re healthier, fitter and far more active than ever before. Naturally this throws up a requirement for more and varied fun activities for happy senior living. Seniors today have […]

Complex Ovarian Cyst Treatment Methodologies

Ovarian cyst is not a rare disease and hardly one to bother about if you seek treatment at the earliest. In fact, some forms of the condition don’t even need treatment; the symptoms disappear within 8-12 weeks. But complex ovarian cyst cases require medical intervention and before delving into the various complex ovarian cyst treatment […]

how often should women get mammogram

How Often Should Women Get Mammograms?

Here at Prime Medical, we are often asked a question by women of various age groups: “How often should women get mammograms?” Advances in Medicine and greater awareness has meant that women are now more knowledgeable about the threat of breast cancer and how timely mammogram screening can help detect this disease early and thus […]

Senior Living Health Tips

These are called the sunset years of an individual’s life and like the setting sun, the soft glow of a senior citizen’s life—enriched by experience and mellowed by wisdom—emanates far and wide. It goes without saying that wherever you may live in California, for instance, in San Pedro, senior living health tips will help you […]